US to Italy Travel, Passport Validity

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this. My friend and I are due to travel to Italy next week, both have American passports. However my friend’s passport is due to expire in less than six months, however more than three months after we leave Italy.

The rules with passport validity seem a little confusing, as there’s varying rules in varying places. The US State Department recommends 6 months. However, the Schengen rule is 3 months, and when I did a questionnaire on the Italian Foreign Affairs site, it also said three months for US passport holders. I called Delta and they also said three months is the rule they follow.

From all the official sources, seems like we’re in the clear. So I was curious to see if anyone on here has experienced this or knows of someone who has experience with this. Thanks!

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6 months on passport

I’m posting this for information as we had mixed messages before leaving for Italy.

2 of my children only have (just under) 5 months left on their passports. Before booking Ryanair flights to Italy I checked the website and Ryanair website that both stated 3 months left on passports was needed. When we came to check in online with Ryanair, there is tick box to confirm you have 6 months left on your passport. Also stated in several places that you must have 6 months remaining. Various further web searches gave both answers. Calling Ryanair I was told, yes it had to be 6 months and we would not be able to travel. Having already booked airport hotel, parking and Covid tests we decided to try to fly.

(We had our Covid tests with collinsons at Stanstead which were excellent and efficient- they take swabs, email results sent in 30 minutes)

The result is - we are in Italy. No one cared/ mentioned the less than 6 months remaining on the passports.

Incidentally no one asked to see our Covid results (they asked if we’d had them before checking in but no evidence asked for)

Hope this helps someone. We had a very stressful preceding 48hours!

Has anyone traveled with a passport expiring soon recently?

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I know not a lot of Americans have entered Italy lately (hopefully that will soon change!), but if anyone has had any close calls or similar experiences I would love to know! Thank you

Foreigner Entry Rules for Italy - September 2021

Hi all,

My wife and I hope to enter Italy next week and dont fully understand the current rules.

We are Australian Passport Holders, full vaccinated more then 14 days ago (one Astra Zeneca and one Sinovac). We have been in Indonesia before traveling to Europe and our last 17 days ahve been 5 days in Turkey and now 12 days in Croatia. We will travel directly from Croatia to Italy.

Can we enter Italy quarantine free? If not, would extending to 14 days in Croatia help and/or would having a current PCR test be required or helpful.

Thanks for any helpful advice as much of the online information refers to EU citizens or is a little hard to decipher.

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Travel from USA to Italy and from Italy to Greece

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We're planning to spend about 12 days in Italy, ending in Venice. We have 5-6 more days to play with, and were debating between going to Switzerland for the first time, or going to Milan/Lake Cuomo (also for the first time).

I'm hesitating to add the Switzerland portion onto our trip, out of concerns that it might complicate our travel next summer for Covid-related reasons. I'm worried about things like a difference in entry requirements, extra testing requirements, etc. We are all four fully vaccinated, but who knows what the rules will be concerning that by June 2022?

Since nobody has a crystal ball, I was hoping someone could at least talk about how easy it was to travel between Italy and Switzerland this summer (for vaccinated Americans, if that is relevant).

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. :)

Covid-19 Entry Regulations, etc.

Lots of questions out there, particularly from US resident tourists. Hopefully these websites help.

Italy’s current entry regulations:

Entry info based on passport, origin and transit points, itinerary:

EU Green Pass:

US CDC card acceptedin lieu of EU Green Pass

And for Canadians: (English translation button apparently not working but “ Le certificazioni vaccinali e di guarigione rilasciate dalle autorità sanitarie del Canada sono riconosciute come equivalenti alle certificazioni italiane” is what you need to know.

Apologies to residents of Japan for my inability to find a government site specifically confirming acceptance of your country’s vaccination certificate.

For the dPLF required for each adult (minor children to be listed on the form of their accompanying adult):

Help re completing the dPLF: User manual for help completing the dPLF:

Italian National Tourism Authority guide to Covid-19 regulations:

TA Italy forum “Coronavirus Situation” thread for daily updates re Italy’s situation and updates::

If anyone knows of other sites that are missing please share.

3 Months in Italy

I am planning my 8th trip to Italy (covid permitting) early next spring. I will spend time in Florence (3 weeks), Verona (two weeks) and Rome (three weeks). I am looking at a full month in a mid/northern town where I can just relax. Coffee, cigars and the like. Train access is a necessity. My research is leading me to Orvieto. Thoughts please.

Mask exemption

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Vaccinated US citizens entering from Romania and Greece

My husband and I are vaccinated US citizens and have been traveling around for several weeks now. We started in Greece, then made our way to Romania last Monday. We will be heading to Rome on Wednesday. We know US tourists can travel to Italy for tourist reasons now (until July 30th?), but we want to clear up any possible issues in being in both Greece and Romania recently.

On the US embassy website (, it points out two forms I think we have to fill out before entry: this self declaration form ( and this EU digital passport locator form (

My questions a

1) Do we still have to fill out these forms if we are coming from the EU (Romania)?

2) Does the self declaration form need to be printed off and filled out? Or can we fill it in as a PDF on a computer and save it to show at the airport?

3) How soon will these forms need to be filled out? I know that in Greece the PLF needed to be filled out more than 24 hours before the flight. Is that the case with these forms?

4) Is the "until July 30, 2021" date just a precaution in case cases spike again? Like is it likely they will just extend this deadline, or will we more likely need to make our way out on the 30th?

5) Is there anything else I am missing? I know we got stamped in and out of Greece/Romania because Romania isn't part of the Schengen area; are there any other issues with entering back into the Schengen area?

Thanks in advance for the help! We are used to traveling quite a bit pre-covid and only worrying about visas; covid adds a whole new stress.