Has anyone used the website to book an apartment? I found a great apartment on AirBnb and can book directly with to save but hope to hear positive feedback first. Thanks!

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Apartment in Lucca

Is anyone in Lucca now who can tell me about the location of an apartment we plan to rent in September. The Address is 1 Corso Garibaldi. Is the apartment centrally located?

Thank you

Coopculture website issues

im having issues getting onto Coopcultures website to look for dates to book my under the coliseum tour , i have tried browsers such as Mozilla, Chrome and Internet explorer, i have lightning fast internet 1000mps so its not my internet, i get to page and get this page thats shows nothing but a shopping cart anybody else having issues? any help would be appreciated

PCR covid-19 test in Italy - Synlab - How we did it

We used Synlab for our PCR Covid-19 test in Italy. Can highly recommend Synlab.

We had our test done at 10am in the morning, and received our test results at 7pm the same day. We booked our test appointments 2 days ahead at a location near a larger city. Each test cost us 60 EUR, which was 50 EUR for the test plus 10 EUR for an English translation of the test results. We used the website to identify Synlab's lab locations.

The most cumbersome part was booking the appointments. To book the appointments, we used Synlab's iOS app. It worked, but it took a couple of tries till we got the accounts set up correctly, so we could book the appointments. At the test site, we received instructions on how to access our test results from a dedicated website. We downloaded the results as PDF documents from that dedicated site, and saved the PDFs on our phones.

Synlab's iOS app showed all open test spots. The website showed many of the locations to be fully booked, which they were not. The lab experience and speed was excellent. The iOS app and website experience was ok, once one knows how to navigate it.

This was August 2021. Hope this helps someone.

Vaccinated US citizens entering from Romania and Greece

My husband and I are vaccinated US citizens and have been traveling around for several weeks now. We started in Greece, then made our way to Romania last Monday. We will be heading to Rome on Wednesday. We know US tourists can travel to Italy for tourist reasons now (until July 30th?), but we want to clear up any possible issues in being in both Greece and Romania recently.

On the US embassy website (, it points out two forms I think we have to fill out before entry: this self declaration form ( and this EU digital passport locator form (

My questions a

1) Do we still have to fill out these forms if we are coming from the EU (Romania)?

2) Does the self declaration form need to be printed off and filled out? Or can we fill it in as a PDF on a computer and save it to show at the airport?

3) How soon will these forms need to be filled out? I know that in Greece the PLF needed to be filled out more than 24 hours before the flight. Is that the case with these forms?

4) Is the "until July 30, 2021" date just a precaution in case cases spike again? Like is it likely they will just extend this deadline, or will we more likely need to make our way out on the 30th?

5) Is there anything else I am missing? I know we got stamped in and out of Greece/Romania because Romania isn't part of the Schengen area; are there any other issues with entering back into the Schengen area?

Thanks in advance for the help! We are used to traveling quite a bit pre-covid and only worrying about visas; covid adds a whole new stress.

Need both Eu DPL FORM and also Self Declaration form?

To enter Italy from the US, do I need to do BOTH the EUROPEAN DIGITAL PASSENGER LOCATOR FORM (dPLF) link he


Or do you just need one of them? And, any other forms needed? We are fully vaccinated and flying out tomorrow from NYC to MXP. Thank you!

Is Viater a good choice for day trips ?

Hi all,

I am in the beginning stages of making plans for my late May, early June trip to Rome. I have decided on two side trips from Rome, Naples and Florence. While I am sure Florence is beautiful, and I will spend time roaming, I am also using Florence as a base for a few days, to take some bus day trips., to enjoy the countryside of Tuscany, and smaller towns. The one that I really want to go on will include Cortona, and Arezzo.

is this a good tour group to research ? if not, any suggestions, and also is it ok just to wait until I get to Florence to book these, or better plan more ahead.

Thanks for any help....

Covid-19 Entry Regulations, etc.

Lots of questions out there, particularly from US resident tourists. Hopefully these websites help.

Italy’s current entry regulations:

Entry info based on passport, origin and transit points, itinerary:

EU Green Pass:

US CDC card acceptedin lieu of EU Green Pass

And for Canadians: (English translation button apparently not working but “ Le certificazioni vaccinali e di guarigione rilasciate dalle autorità sanitarie del Canada sono riconosciute come equivalenti alle certificazioni italiane” is what you need to know.

Apologies to residents of Japan for my inability to find a government site specifically confirming acceptance of your country’s vaccination certificate.

For the dPLF required for each adult (minor children to be listed on the form of their accompanying adult):

Help re completing the dPLF: User manual for help completing the dPLF:

Italian National Tourism Authority guide to Covid-19 regulations:

TA Italy forum “Coronavirus Situation” thread for daily updates re Italy’s situation and updates::

If anyone knows of other sites that are missing please share.

Summer train schedule

We will be in Italy 8/19 - 9/1. From research here, it appears that Trenitali releases schedule sometime early to mid-June - but I read the schedule doesn’t really differ much, which means I could go ahead and book.

However - I wasn’t sure how altered schedules were from the pandemic and, as tourism is added, would there be more times added to know whether this was the year to wait to book because there probably will be more changes?

ITALO TRENO Installs HEPA Filters on its Trains

As many are aware, Italo Treno is the arch rival of state-owned Trenitalia for high-speed rail service in Italy (but only Trenitalia operates non-reserved commuter trains on local and medium-distance routes). Italo Treno competes with Trenitalia on many (but not all) high-speed rail routes within Italy.

There is not much distinction in the quality of service between these two operators on routes where they compete directly. HOWEVER, there ARE at least three major differences:

1. Italo Treno often has lower fares than Trenitalia;

2. Italo Treno's rules and surcharges for reservation changes are more liberal than those of Trenitalia; and

3. Italo Treno has installed high-filtration HEPA filters on its trains, which re-circulate the air every 3 minutes, thereby decreasing the risk of virus contagion.

Trenitalia's trains are apparently NOT equipped with HEPA filters. However, Trenitalia is currently studying a PROPOSAL to augment the safety standards of at least some of its high speed trains on several routes by requiring all passengers to have a "green pass" (or its equivalent) which documents their full vaccination status, or having tested negative to Covid-19 no more than 48 hours prior to train boarding. Presumably, American travelers should present their CDC vaccination cards to establish their vaccination status.

mask or no mask

This is a google translation of an article in Repubblica on 19 June reporting comments by the prime minister and health minister on this subject.

There is to be a review based on scientific advice next week. For the time being masks are only not required outdoors, and outdoors only when there is no crowding.

As to the outcome of review, Repubblica says [google translation]:

"... it seems certain that it will be possible to stay without a mask only in outdoor places and where there is no risk of gathering because, otherwise, it will definitely be worn."