Day trip from Amalfi to Rome

We are headed to Italy in September for a wedding in Amalfi. We are staying in Rome for 2 days before heading down there and we’ll stay there for 4 nights as she has 3 events planned. We are leaving Amalfi on the 14th back to Rome for another 3 days before we fly out. My question is there a day trip recommendations on our way back to Rome? We are planning on taking the ferry to Salerno and than train to Rome. We will have our luggage with us. Any recommendations are appreciated.

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Advice on Amalfi Coast Itinerary

Hello - we are a mid-30's couple who enjoy lots of outdoor activities (hiking, sailing, rock climbing), and good food. We are planning a trip to Rome/Amalfi coast over a ten day period in early September and I could use some help on where to stay. The plan:

Sept 4 - Fly into Rome and take the train + car to get to the Amalfi coast

Sept 5 - 10: Spend on the Amalfi coast. This would include: visiting Capri, Rock climbing for a day in Punta Campanella, Visiting Positano and Ravello, Doing the Path of the Gods Walkway/Hike, maybe another hike and visiting a nice beach.

Sept 10-12: Train from Salerno back to Rome, Spend 1.5 days in Rome before flying out.

With this itinerary, I'm trying to figure out:

- Is there one location that we should stay in on the Amalfi Coast or is it better to split it up (e.g. few days in Sorrento before heading to either Positano, Amalfi or Ravello)? Note: I know Sorrento is not Amalfi Coast. I'm also interested in thinking about great restaurants for dinner and if one location would be better for nice dining (and not having to deal with catching the ferry/bus too late.

- Is it worth considering one night in Capri, and if so, the best way to work this into the logistics? I've been there before and definitely felt rushed on a day ferry from Sorrento.

- Is there anything else I'm missing from the list?

Thanks for your help!!

itinerary help

Hey there. We are planning a trip to Italy (and Paris) next June. We are bringing our DDs, first timers to Europe, ages 21 and 16. I’ve been reading through itineraries, guide books, youtube videos of Italy and getting so excited. We have limited time (only 10 nights in Italy) and we are packing in A LOT I know. We are considering using Zicasso or another company to make the most of our time, especially since we are trying to do so much...Here’s our latest itinerary so far. (we like to see as much as possible/get a taste so we know where to spend more time the next time:)

. Summary. 2 nights, 1 1/2 full days in Venice,

4 nights in Florence with day trip to Cinque Terre, 5 nights in Rome with day trip to Pompeii and Amalfi

*We already bought our tickets flying into Venice

Day 1. Arrive Venice from Paris on the 13th. Half day in Venice

Day 2. Venice

Day 3. Take a late train from Venice to Florence.

Day 4. Florence

Day 5. Florence. (Day trip to Cinque Terre)

Day 6 Florence

Day 7. Train to Rome by 7pm. Stay near Piazza Novana

Day 8. Rome

Day 9 Rome

Day 10. LONG day with private guide to Pompeii/Amalfi

Day 11. Rome

Day 12. Departure day


Edited: 12:57 pm, August 13, 2021

5 week Trip Plan

We are planning 5 weeks in Italy next Sept! We will be going to Rome,Tuscany,Cinque Terre,Venice and Amalfi Coast.

Which would be the best direction of places to go? We do not want our last week in Rome as we prefer Rome in the beginning of the trip! Which would be the best last place to be other than Rome for easiest access to a departure airport. Thanks

Suggestions on unique hotel/location

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My trip in Italy

Hi everyone!

My wife and I are traveling to Italy for two weeks. Do you have any suggestions on what to do or see? Here is our route with car and ferry:

1 night in Milano

1 night in Santa Margherita - visiting Portofino

2 nights in La Spezia - visiting Cinque Terre, Vernazza and Riomaggiore

1 night in Florence

5 nights in Amalfi - buss or scooter around the coast

3 nights in Capri - buss or scooter

1 night in Rome

So we were thinking about leaving the car somewhere in Amalfi because it seems that using car in the Amalfi Coast is unnecessary. Then we take a ferry from Amalfi to Capri.

Asking for opinions

i am planning trip to Sicily . 21 Days. First let me say I like to drive and living in Texas I drive 100 miles most days. we fly into Rome Sept24, will drive to Casenza, stay overnight. The next day Cefalu two days, Palermo 3 days, Ragusa 3 days, Sirasua 3 days, Catania 2 days, Taormina 3 days, at the end 3 days in Rome. I have 3 days to fill. I was thinking maybe Messina or somewhere on the return trip. We have been to Amalfi, Sorrento but not Naples. Any suggestions? For those of you that don,t drive this may look crazy. We love seeing the countryside and I find driving a stick shift in Europe fun.

Early September Crowds?

My wife and I are visiting Italy for 9 days at the end of August/beginning of September (we're an active, foodie couple in our 40s). We'll spend the first few nights in Rome and then are looking at what to do for the last 6 nights of our trip. She's been to the North of Italy before, so tops on my list are going to Naples and the Amalfi Coast. A couple questions:

Should we expect lots of tourists along the coast from Aug Aug 30 - Sept 5? Or will summer crowds have receded by then?

And if it will be crowded, might it be better to base ourselves in Salerno instead of one of the smaller/more touristy spots? *I'm actually considering staying in Salerno regardless of crowd sizes, so we can experience a more 'real' Italy but still have access to the picturesque towns.

Any other suggestions appreciated! Thanks~


Trip to Positano, Capri and Rome

Hey Everyone... Flying to Italy on Saturday, July 17th with my wife for our wedding anniversary. We are both fully vaccinated. I've been doing as much research as possible but can't find certain answers so any help is appreciated! Sounds like to get into Italy, we need our vaccination cards in hand and to fill out the digital passenger locator form. Is that all we need? No covid test required is what I am seeing.

Also - my understanding is we must test within 3 days of departure from Italy back to NYC. With that said, we are currently doing 2 nights in Positano and 1 night in Capri and then 2 nights in Rome (out flight is out of Rome). We wanted to do 2 nights in Positano, 2 in Capri and 1 in Rome but were worried it may be more difficult to find the right covid test in Capri vs Rome? If anyone could help provide info on exactly which covid test we need to get back to USA, that would be helpful. I checked the website and it was very vague. Also, do we just show our results when we check in at Rome airport or is there an online form?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Preliminary Itinerary trip fro Rome-Florence-Venice-Rome

Hi Everyone,

Re-planning my postponed trip from 2020 this year. I seem to have forgotten all the valuable tips I had received for my previously planned trip. Is August a bad time to travel in terms of closures and holidays? Since I have nothing book yet, would it be better to travel in September instead?

I am thinking the following itinerary for now:

Aug 5-10-Roma

Aug 10-13-Florence with day trips to Sienna, Pisa?

Aug 13-15-Venice

Aug 15-16-Train back to Rome and fly home.

Is this too ambitious?

Will be travelling on a Covid tested flight in and out from Rome from Canada

Preliminary planning

Hi. I am hoping to visit Italy next year and I’m currently on the lookout for reasonable airfare for the end of March/beginning of April. Is this a pretty good time to come weather wise? Rome is a must do and there are several other places I’d like to see and I have to figure out a reasonable itinerary for 14 nights. Florence, Venice, Bergamo, CinqueTerre, Burano, Lucca, Orvieto, Amalfi Coast, San Gimignano are all on my wish list. This will be my and my husbands first trip overseas. I like culture and my husband likes the outdoors and hiking. I would like to also stay in a agroturismo during part of our stay. I think three full days in Rome would be good and the rest divided up perhaps between Florence, Cinque Terra and Orvieto might work? Perhaps flying in and out of Rome/Florence. Does this sound doable?