3 days in Amalfi coast: Ideas on things to do

I realize 3 days is way too little, what is the best option to plan our itinerary.

Family enjoys beach, strolling around, sight-seeing, hiking and FOOD. No museums.

What should be the mode of transportation?

Where should we stay?

Any local food places you can recommended?

Thanks in advance.

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Advice on Amalfi Coast Itinerary

Hello - we are a mid-30's couple who enjoy lots of outdoor activities (hiking, sailing, rock climbing), and good food. We are planning a trip to Rome/Amalfi coast over a ten day period in early September and I could use some help on where to stay. The plan:

Sept 4 - Fly into Rome and take the train + car to get to the Amalfi coast

Sept 5 - 10: Spend on the Amalfi coast. This would include: visiting Capri, Rock climbing for a day in Punta Campanella, Visiting Positano and Ravello, Doing the Path of the Gods Walkway/Hike, maybe another hike and visiting a nice beach.

Sept 10-12: Train from Salerno back to Rome, Spend 1.5 days in Rome before flying out.

With this itinerary, I'm trying to figure out:

- Is there one location that we should stay in on the Amalfi Coast or is it better to split it up (e.g. few days in Sorrento before heading to either Positano, Amalfi or Ravello)? Note: I know Sorrento is not Amalfi Coast. I'm also interested in thinking about great restaurants for dinner and if one location would be better for nice dining (and not having to deal with catching the ferry/bus too late.

- Is it worth considering one night in Capri, and if so, the best way to work this into the logistics? I've been there before and definitely felt rushed on a day ferry from Sorrento.

- Is there anything else I'm missing from the list?

Thanks for your help!!

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Is this a feasibily itinerary? The suggested staying times for these places seem to be all over the place (e.g. 5 days enough for Sicily, two weeks in Malta) so I'm wondering if I'm taking it easy enough or if I could include Amalfi for example. Is two weeks in Sicily enough if I go by public transport? I want to see the main sites and take some relaxed days off too. I don't need to spend days in every town exploring every alley.

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Edited: 10:23 am, August 25, 2021

Hiking on Amalfi coast

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5 days in Amalfi Coast - itinerary, arrival, where to stay

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DAY 1 :

Drive to Messina - Ferry to Villa San Giovanni, Drive to Maratea and stay Maratea

DAY 2 :

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stay at Sorrento (accommodation for next few days)

DAY 3 :

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DAY 4 :

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DAY 5 :

Visit Sorrento Centre and Drive to Napoli or Salerno to catch Ferry to Palermo or Messina in the evening- overnight stay on the ferry

DAY 6 :

Arrive Palermo or Messina - depending on the ferry trip and availability. Spend a day in Sicily and end of trip.

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Please advise


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Any suggestions on itinerary - where to stay & for how many nights? Perhaps 3 locations with 11 nights? The more I read on this helpful forum, the more overwhelmed I become on where to stay.

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Amalfi Coast - Need Help

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Preliminary planning

Hi. I am hoping to visit Italy next year and I’m currently on the lookout for reasonable airfare for the end of March/beginning of April. Is this a pretty good time to come weather wise? Rome is a must do and there are several other places I’d like to see and I have to figure out a reasonable itinerary for 14 nights. Florence, Venice, Bergamo, CinqueTerre, Burano, Lucca, Orvieto, Amalfi Coast, San Gimignano are all on my wish list. This will be my and my husbands first trip overseas. I like culture and my husband likes the outdoors and hiking. I would like to also stay in a agroturismo during part of our stay. I think three full days in Rome would be good and the rest divided up perhaps between Florence, Cinque Terra and Orvieto might work? Perhaps flying in and out of Rome/Florence. Does this sound doable?

October in Firenze: Rail or Car from Monaco & Places to See

Greetings! Our younger 18 year old son will be studying in Florence for the year, and we'd like to visit him following a work trip to Monaco. I have a two part question.

Traveling with my husband and me will be our 21 year old special needs son. We are open to suggestions from experienced travelers as to our transportation and itinerary.

Our 21 year old is hyper-verbal and has an intellecutal disability along with autism, so visiting very quiet museums, churches, etc is something where his vocalizations may not be welcomed and also where the content isn't something that would interest him. He's sweet as can be but a bit loud.

I was thinking of taking a train to the Italian border and then perhaps renting a car. From reading other forum posts, I *think* there are two towns near the border where there are rental car agencis. That said, in the US where we are from, there is a major shortage of rental cars. I don't know whether that is so in Italy or Europe overall, but it seems like smaller cities might be more impacted than say Rome or Milan, etc.

We would enjoy spending a day or two in the Cinque Terre area. Our older boy enjoys easy hikes, walking along the beach, and perhaps a boat or ferry ride. Other than that area, I am entirely clueless as to what might be lovely spots to visit. I'm betting that there are many, but we again need to take into consideration our 21 year old's disabilities.

The conference in Monaco finishes on Thursday, October 21. Our younger boy will be out on a 10 day break through Sunday evening, October24th, so he can meet us.... somewhere.. for a couple of days, depending upon where he might be traveling with his college classmates. Or we can just meet up with him in Florence where we do plan to spend a few days.

Can you tell we are just at the very start of figuring this out?

Is renting a car and driving to Florence adviseable? Or is rail the way to go? My husband and special needs boy will likely fly back to the US from Florence after several days, but I may meet a gal pal there and extend the trip. Thank you for your patience in reading and for any ideas you may have to assist us. Grazie mille!

Can you do food shopping during quarantine?


So the travellers from the uk need to quarantine for 5 days now

Do you know if I can do food shopping? I hope so as I don’t plan to live in a take away pizza for 5 days...I don’t know if every pizzeria offers delivery

We are staying far from the town

Thank you

Art, Food, Wine and Leonardo--Not Necessarily in that Order

We will be in Milan for 6 nights over Christmas (and one night in Verona). We will spend a full 4 days in Milan (Tuesday through Friday (also Saturday but that is Christmas so do not expect to do any tourist stuff) and spend 1 day in Bergamo. I have a good idea of the sites in Milan that are a priority for me and quite honestly there are too many. I don't want to be on a bus schedule but don't mind being busy. We arrive from the US around noon on a Monday ( I am not counting Monday as a day in Milan since its a travel day) and plan to just go to the Rinascente Department store for a drink/snack so I get the view of the Duomo and walk around the Christmas Market outside the Duomo and hopefully eat there before we crash back at the hotel. I will split my other days in Milan around the museums and churches I want to see (we will get tickets in advance to see the Last Supper (last time I saw it was 1976 which was the last time I was in Milan)). I plan to use the metro to get around (we are staying near Centrale).

My ask of this forum is if you could only go to 5 museums in Milan (see subject line above) which would they be? My list of must see museums as it stands is:

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana; Gallerie d'Italia; Pinacoteca di Brera; Castel Sforza;Palazzo Morando; Triennale Design and Armani Silos. Yes this is 7 museums so trying to cut 2 and also check to make sure I am not leaving off a wonderful place (like Foundation Prada, for example). My list of churches including the Duomo rooftop is manageable (though my husband will complain).

I am also having trouble limiting my list of potential places to eat and drink--thinking we need one place for drinks each night and another for food. I am not looking for fancy or Michelin rated places (not in the budget) but just great meals (we eat everything except escargot (allergy). Milan has too many places to choose from. I am trying to pick lunch spots near the attractions with amazing food/sandwiches and places to stop for a coffee/pastry.

Please understand, I am a planner but I do go off script and wonder around and deviate if something catches my eye and I always have a couple of options in the area/section of Milan we are visiting that day. For example, my plan may say wine tasting@Cantine Isola and food at La Ravioleria or Bosco Verticle and Osteria del Treno.

Ok it is all about the food. So second ask of this forum--if you were limited to 5 places for dinner (Osteria, Restaurant, Cafe, Deli or Enoteca) where would you go? No 100 euro a person places--top price around 75 euro a person but hopefully less. My ever growing list: All’Antico Vinaio; GB Bar,Panzerotti Luni ; Panarello; Boccondivino ;Cova Montenpoleone ; Caffe Leonardo;Il Secco , Rita, vinoir& Mag cafe in Navigli; Nebbia; Bele Ristorant; 28 Posti; Vino & Saporri Enoteca; Napiz Milano Pizzeria; A’Riccione ;Gelateria Antica Santori ;Casa /fontana 23 risotto; Olio Cucina Fresca ;La Dogana del Buongust; Delfino ; Ratana; Trattoria Milanese

So you see the issue, too many options--everytime I read about a place I add it to the list. Looking for advice --not comments just go with the flow and stumble upon a place and try it; not me. like to know my options and pick that day but from a list of places that will not disappoint. thanks in advance for suggestions and any help to "skinny" down the list.