We are vaccinated and everywhere i read officially i can see that you must have a swab test.
Does Italy (specifically Milano) don't respect other EU vaccination documents ?
Some other websites says vaccination is a green pass.
We are vaccinated and everywhere i read officially i can see that you must have a swab test.
Does Italy (specifically Milano) don't respect other EU vaccination documents ?
Some other websites says vaccination is a green pass.
Hello all:
Has anyone flown into Italy since July 29th, or is anyone flying in prior to Monday? I am getting conflicting information on what is needed to get through Italiian customs, from and from very smart travel sources.
We are Flying into Italy on Tuesday. 5 of us. My wife, 3 boys 15, 13, 11. Trip of a lifetime, and celebrating my wife beating cancer last year. This trip was delayed a year bc of Covid.
Everyone except my 11 year old is vaccinated. I understood that all we had to do was bring our vaccination CDC Cards with us to enter. And my youngest simply needed the antigen rapid test.
However, I'm a centurion card member. And a senior staff member at Amex Centurion, with 30 years experience, and massive expertise in Italy, disagrees. He said we all need PCR tests (they cost 250 each), and we won't be allowed into Italy without it. Here is the email I just got 2 hours ago.
"To recap, the Italy Green Pass requirements for US travelers to Italy are ALL of the following:
Your official Covid Vaccine card as authorized by the CDC. Carry this everywhere, as you will need to produce for dining, museums, shops, etc.
Proof of negative Covid PCR test for each traveler taken within 3 days of flight departure to Italy.
Same negative Covid PCR tests for each traveler taken within 3 days of flight departure back to U.S.
I left you a message stating that your 11 year old son does not have to have vaccine card, as he is too young for vaccine, which is the same for Italy. HOWEVER, he WILL have to have a negative Covid test within 48 hours of going to a museum, cultural attraction, and indoor dining.
Which means since you are in Rome for 10 days he will need multiple tests to continue to visit museums."
Has anyone just landed in Rome that can tell me if this is correct? Or is anyone traveling before Monday I feel sick about this. Delta says only CDC Cards needed for those the are vaccinated. I would rather not pay the $1250. And don't want my son to be swabbed every two days. But more than anything just want the right answers. Thanks in advance.
Hoping for some guidance please, we are set to travel to Italy from UK to holiday on our friends privately owned yacht at sea so will only be transiting through Italy on Arrival and then when leaving, as will be at sea the rest of the time. We are both vaccinated and will be doing the required passenger locator/ PCR test prior to arrival.
My question is though, do we have to do the initial 5 day quarantine if we are not going to be on land and won't have an address, and not sure who to contact is its not a charter boat but privately owned by our friends.
I have seen mixed information, however here it says-
The green pass will be made available to visitors who are fully vaccinated with an EU-approved vaccine, those who have recently recovered from COVID-19, or individuals who have tested negative 48 hours prior to entry in Italy. The green pass grants visitors exemptions to current restrictions such as obligatory quarantine upon arrival or limitations on traveling in between certain regions whilst on a private yacht charter in Italy.
Anyone got any idea or know who best to contact?
Thanks All
As many are aware, Italo Treno is the arch rival of state-owned Trenitalia for high-speed rail service in Italy (but only Trenitalia operates non-reserved commuter trains on local and medium-distance routes). Italo Treno competes with Trenitalia on many (but not all) high-speed rail routes within Italy.
There is not much distinction in the quality of service between these two operators on routes where they compete directly. HOWEVER, there ARE at least three major differences:
1. Italo Treno often has lower fares than Trenitalia;
2. Italo Treno's rules and surcharges for reservation changes are more liberal than those of Trenitalia; and
3. Italo Treno has installed high-filtration HEPA filters on its trains, which re-circulate the air every 3 minutes, thereby decreasing the risk of virus contagion.
Trenitalia's trains are apparently NOT equipped with HEPA filters. However, Trenitalia is currently studying a PROPOSAL to augment the safety standards of at least some of its high speed trains on several routes by requiring all passengers to have a "green pass" (or its equivalent) which documents their full vaccination status, or having tested negative to Covid-19 no more than 48 hours prior to train boarding. Presumably, American travelers should present their CDC vaccination cards to establish their vaccination status.
Se ho ottenuto il green pass per fare un volo tratta nazionale lombardia sardegna devo comunque fare il tampone per poter salire sull'aereo??
Avere il green pass esonera dalla regola del tampone per prendere un volo in base al colore delle regioni? Oppure anche avendo il green pass e dovendo fare un volo in una regione rossa o arancione serve comunque fare il tampone?
Hi, we booked a vacation in Sicily on September 16th and we are planning on going form Catania to Palermo with a bus. Considering new COVID regulations, will I have to have green pass for that trip? Same questions goes for trains in Sicilian inner region
My husband and I are flying from NY to Malpensa Airport on Emirates Air on July 27. (Spending time first in Milan then in the lakes area) We are both fully vaccinated and would have photocopy as well as NYS Pass viewable through QR code on our phones. Based on current requirements, is this acceptable when we arrive in Italy or is more needed? We just want to be prepared.
Thanks for your advice,
I am a fully vaccinated American, I arrived in Milan from the US on August 31, and have been in Italy since.
I am traveling to Sardinia (via plane) on September 4. When I booked these flights, I was aware that all I needed to show was my equivalent of the Green Pass. However, now, there are new regulations for vaccinated Americans needing to show a recent negative tests if they have been in the US within the past 14 days. I know this applies to Americans entering Italy from overseas, but does it apply to Americans who have only been in Italy for less than 14 days?
I know I do not need to fill out a new passenger locator form, but I am confused about the test.
I can't seem to find that information anywhere.
If anyone has any information on this, it would be much appreciated!
Italian Media is now reporting that Public Health Minister Roberto Speranza has just signed a new Decree which EXTENDS THE BENEFITS OF THE EUROPEAN DIGITAL COVID CERTIFICATE (GREEN PASS) TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND JAPAN, meaning that they will be allowed entry into Italy for any reason by satisfying any one of the following conditions:
1. 15 days after the first dose of an approved Covid-19 vaccine; or
2. Having proof of having recovered from Covid-19; or
3. Having a negative molecular or antigenic Covid-19 test result performed no more than 48 hours prior to entry.
Has anyone used the NYS Excelsior Pass PLUS to validate their Covid vaccination?
Lots of questions out there, particularly from US resident tourists. Hopefully these websites help.
Italy’s current entry regulations: https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/nuovocoronavirus/dettaglioContenutiNuovoCoronavirus.jsp?lingua=english&id=5412&area=nuovoCoronavirus&menu=vuot
Entry info based on passport, origin and transit points, itinerary: https://infocovid.viaggiaresicuri.it/index_en.html
EU Green Pass: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en
US CDC card acceptedin lieu of EU Green Pass https://ambwashingtondc.esteri.it/ambasciata_washington/en/sala-stampa/dall_ambasciata/ingressi-in-italia-dagli-usa-e.html
And for Canadians: https://ambottawa.esteri.it/ambasciata_ottawa/it/ambasciata/news/dall_ambasciata/2020/03/focus-coronavirus.html (English translation button apparently not working but “ Le certificazioni vaccinali e di guarigione rilasciate dalle autorità sanitarie del Canada sono riconosciute come equivalenti alle certificazioni italiane” is what you need to know.
Apologies to residents of Japan for my inability to find a government site specifically confirming acceptance of your country’s vaccination certificate.
For the dPLF required for each adult (minor children to be listed on the form of their accompanying adult): https://app.euplf.eu/#/
Help re completing the dPLF: User manual for help completing the dPLF: https://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pagineAree_5411_11_file.pdf
Italian National Tourism Authority guide to Covid-19 regulations: http://www.italia.it/en/useful-info/covid-19-updates-information-for-tourists.html
TA Italy forum “Coronavirus Situation” thread for daily updates re Italy’s situation and updates:: https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g187768-i20-k13238308-o10-Coronavirus_situation-Italy.html
If anyone knows of other sites that are missing please share.