Hello everyone I have a question and have been looking thoroughly to find an answer but no luck.
I have been in Italy since the 18th of August and plan to fly to Sicily (Palermo) on September 9th from Milan. Throughout these days I been traveling through Italy only. Since Sicily is on yellow zone would I be asked a negative Covid test?
Or when I fly back to Italy which I plan on the 18th of September to Rome will they ask me for a test?
I am American & fully vaccinated with a “letter of recovery from Covid”.
Hope anyone has any insights or information, much appreciated!
My wife and I are traveling to Italy in September for our 25th wedding anniversary. We will be in Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. I do not want to "stick out" like a tourist. In addition to the obvious - not carrying around a massive backpack and having a camera around my neck at all times, what would you suggest? Are shorts and white tennis shoes still a no-no? Should we wear jeans or comfortable long pants instead? What shoes would you recommend? I have some dress shoes that are very comfortable and would be happy to walk all over Italy with them.
Thanks in advance!!
I am a fully vaccinated American, I arrived in Milan from the US on August 31, and have been in Italy since.
I am traveling to Sardinia (via plane) on September 4. When I booked these flights, I was aware that all I needed to show was my equivalent of the Green Pass. However, now, there are new regulations for vaccinated Americans needing to show a recent negative tests if they have been in the US within the past 14 days. I know this applies to Americans entering Italy from overseas, but does it apply to Americans who have only been in Italy for less than 14 days?
I know I do not need to fill out a new passenger locator form, but I am confused about the test.
I can't seem to find that information anywhere.
If anyone has any information on this, it would be much appreciated!
The negative test result, which may be either a PCR or an antigen test, needs to be collected no more than 72 hours prior to ARRIVAL in Italy.
(Children under the age of 6 can still enter Italy without being tested, and without being vaccinated. Children age 6 and above can still enter Italy without vaccination, but must present a negative test result).
The foregoing requirement applies to all persons who have stayed in or transited through Canada, Japan or the United States in the 14 days prior to entry into Italy.
The new restrictions remain valid through October 25.
Hello Travelers,
Tripadvisor has created this thread to be an ongoing resource for anyone seeking information about Coronavirus (Covid-19) and travel to Italy.
Many travelers have already contributed to information about the Coronavirus, and we are hoping you will share any new updates or recommendations pertaining to Coronavirus in Italy here. Some of the information we’re seeing travelers seek out is:
What attractions have been closed, or have re-opened for business?
Are there any specific local resources for following news or other information?
Have there been any significant disruptions to government services (such as public transport or airport/train stations)?
What types of disruptions to local businesses have been noted?
For more details on the situation globally please visit this Tripadvisor guide: https://www.tripadvisor.com/COVID-2019
Additional threads with useful information that have already been started by our travelers can be found he
Please feel free to respond to this post with questions or information about this important issue, or share links to existing forum posts with useful information. As we at Tripadvisor, and more specifically our community of travelers have more information, please check back here to see how the situation is evolving in Italy.
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I won't be travelling for about a year, but I am already excited and thinking about a solo trip back to Italy. Ideally, I would like to start my vacation relaxing in the Tuscan or Umbria countryside. I am thinking outside of either Lucca or Cortona or anywhere in between. (I'm not fussy, I love the Italian countryside and am just looking for peace, hills and beauty so I know that could be anywhere!) And I would like to do this mainly by train, and without driving myself (I don't want to rent a car). So my initial question then is.... if I fly into Italy, take a train to the nearest small town to where I would be staying, is it expensive to get a taxi to drive maybe 20km or so to a location outside of that small town. Also, any recommendations on what small town country side I should focused on? I know it's not much to go on, but any advice would be appreciated!
We used Synlab for our PCR Covid-19 test in Italy. Can highly recommend Synlab.
We had our test done at 10am in the morning, and received our test results at 7pm the same day. We booked our test appointments 2 days ahead at a location near a larger city. Each test cost us 60 EUR, which was 50 EUR for the test plus 10 EUR for an English translation of the test results. We used the website locate.synlab.it to identify Synlab's lab locations.
The most cumbersome part was booking the appointments. To book the appointments, we used Synlab's iOS app. It worked, but it took a couple of tries till we got the accounts set up correctly, so we could book the appointments. At the test site, we received instructions on how to access our test results from a dedicated website. We downloaded the results as PDF documents from that dedicated site, and saved the PDFs on our phones.
Synlab's iOS app showed all open test spots. The website showed many of the locations to be fully booked, which they were not. The lab experience and speed was excellent. The iOS app and website experience was ok, once one knows how to navigate it.
This was August 2021. Hope this helps someone.
Lots of questions out there, particularly from US resident tourists. Hopefully these websites help.
Italy’s current entry regulations: https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/nuovocoronavirus/dettaglioContenutiNuovoCoronavirus.jsp?lingua=english&id=5412&area=nuovoCoronavirus&menu=vuot
Entry info based on passport, origin and transit points, itinerary: https://infocovid.viaggiaresicuri.it/index_en.html
EU Green Pass: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en
US CDC card acceptedin lieu of EU Green Pass https://ambwashingtondc.esteri.it/ambasciata_washington/en/sala-stampa/dall_ambasciata/ingressi-in-italia-dagli-usa-e.html
And for Canadians: https://ambottawa.esteri.it/ambasciata_ottawa/it/ambasciata/news/dall_ambasciata/2020/03/focus-coronavirus.html (English translation button apparently not working but “ Le certificazioni vaccinali e di guarigione rilasciate dalle autorità sanitarie del Canada sono riconosciute come equivalenti alle certificazioni italiane” is what you need to know.
Apologies to residents of Japan for my inability to find a government site specifically confirming acceptance of your country’s vaccination certificate.
For the dPLF required for each adult (minor children to be listed on the form of their accompanying adult): https://app.euplf.eu/#/
Help re completing the dPLF: User manual for help completing the dPLF: https://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pagineAree_5411_11_file.pdf
Italian National Tourism Authority guide to Covid-19 regulations: http://www.italia.it/en/useful-info/covid-19-updates-information-for-tourists.html
TA Italy forum “Coronavirus Situation” thread for daily updates re Italy’s situation and updates:: https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g187768-i20-k13238308-o10-Coronavirus_situation-Italy.html
If anyone knows of other sites that are missing please share.
Apologies as I'm sure this has been asked many times before
Can you complete the form at any time before travelling to Italy from UK?
I know the UK form to return has to be done in the 48 hours before you come home but I cant see a time limit for the EU one going out.
Thanks for your help.
Hoping somebody can guide me to where I can find out if our 10yo will need to quarantine on arrival in Rome at the end of September/beginning of October. As the trip is only for 5 days in Rome a 5 day quarantine would mean we should reschedule.
I can't find clear guidance on this on any of the Italian government web pages. Except for our 10yo all of us are vaccinated and will be antigen tested prior to our flights. We will fill out the locator form as required. Just want to be sure we have the opportunity to explore while there and not quarantine confined.